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How Hair Conditioners Promote Healthy Hair

How Hair Conditioners Promote Healthy Hair

Welcome back to the blog! Hair is a big part of your identity, and it's important to take care of it. While shampoo is an obvious part of your hair care routine, conditioner is just as important. Hair conditioners helps to promote healthy hair, and can make your hair look and feel better. No matter your hair type, one of the best ways to promote healthy hair is by conditioning or deep conditioning your hair regularly. While the exact frequency of conditioning depends on your hair type and texture, regular conditioning helps to keep it healthy, strong and shiny.When it comes...

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How Shampooing Promotes Healthy Hair

Shampooing Hair

How Shampooing Promotes Healthy Hair

Welcome Back to the Blog! This month we’re focusing on how to grow healthy hair. Healthy hair is important to everyone for both aesthetic and functional reasons. Aesthetically, healthy hair looks shiny, strong and manageable. Functionally, healthy hair plays an important role in protecting the scalp from sun, dirt and other environmental factors, it also helps in regulating body temperature and keeping the head warm. Additionally, hair is a reflection of one's overall health, so maintaining healthy hair can be an indicator of a well-balanced diet and lifestyle. Now that we understand the importance of healthy hair, we’re going to kick...

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What is self care and how its benefits can improve your life in as little as 7 days for free?

What is self care and how its benefits can improve your life in as little as 7 days for free?

Welcome back to the blog! This month we're discussing what self care is? Why, because I believe self care has been watered down and used to a point that it's defined as a task with little to no significance. So what is self care and how can it improve your life in as little as 7 days for free? So let's get into it. I found two definitions of self care to are on point. Self Care is: The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health or the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's...

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I'm a Self Care Advocate!

I'm a Self Care Advocate!

Welcome back to the blog! In the month on October, I began a self care challenge by posting on a daily basis on how I was implementing self care on a daily basis. I posted about how I dealt with co-workers, gossip, death, health, etc. I did this because I wanted to share with you that it's not hard to practice self care every single day. This was a great challenge for me. As a woman, I feel good after this challenge. There were days I was busy, didn't want to or feel like posting but I held myself accountable...

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New Beauty Therapy Community!

New Beauty Therapy Community!

Welcome back to the blog! I'm so happy to inform you the new Beauty Therapy with Beauty Mixtress™ Community is open to our customers and those on the email list. This community is all about skincare, self care and self love. All the things that beautify your life. You are able give and receive advice, share self care resources, and build lasting relationships with one another. I'm super excited for this community and our new members. Community Requirements: This community is for women 30 years old and up. You must be engaged. We are a community of women who are...

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